Don Baxter

Profile Updated: October 8, 2010
Don Baxter
Residing In Wichita, KS USA
Spouse/Partner Karen
Occupation Financial Planner
Children Michelle Baxter Peckham
Justin Baxter
Nicki Schmidt Ellison (step)
Jason Schmidt (step)
Don Baxter


Yes! Attending Reunion

Lots has happened in the last 10 years and most of them have been good. Business has been up and down but we have grown in spite of everything. Kids are grown and on their own (for the most part). We built a building in 2006 for our office, and we have been adding some KSU graduates to work as interns.

I was always working in High School and College so I didn't enjoy all the experiences others did at those times and it probably robbed me of some opportunities for life long friends because I wasn't available. I think I was also a pretty "serious" guy and after 50 years, I've lighten up.

We are now able to enjoy life and I am thankful and blessed more than I deserve... wait a minute, that wasn't very "light". Well, I didn't drink too much in High School, but I've done my best to make up for that later on without becoming too much of a problem.

We have been known to enjoy a good wine (or any wine) and a nice cigar from time to time!

Don's Latest Interactions

Feb 07, 2016 at 8:03 AM

Hi Chuck! We are not the "family icons"! Hope you have a fantastic Birthday. Personally, a day is too short so I have been celebrating Birthday Month!

Don Baxter added a comment on Frank Swyden's Photo. New comment added.
Aug 27, 2014 at 8:41 AM

Posted on: Aug 27, 2014 at 6:59 AM

I found This composite at my mother's home today. It represents our first grade class from Hale Cook Elementary, 1957-58. Since there are no names associated with the pictures I took a shot at remembering. If anyone could help assist in matching names to our little faces it would be terrific.

Here's what I think is correct:

Top Row: Bob Bruegging [3] Frank Swyden [9]
Second Row: Craig Eisenberg [1] Alan McDermott [2] Andy Sackin [3] Jeff Chappelow [4] Ron Guth [5] Ed Martin? [6]
Third Row: John Morgan? [1] Mrs. Livingston [4] Laurie Snedden [6] Kim Sprinkle [7]
Fourth Row: Judy Joel [3] Nancy Thomas [7]
Fith Row: Karen Kaplan? [4] Tiffany Willoughby
Don Baxter posted a message.
Jul 09, 2014 at 5:34 AM

Bucyrus, Kansas! Has development gotten that far south yet?