Millicent "Millie" Pelofsky Mnookin passed unexpectedly on May 28, 2015 after complications from a minor surgical procedure in Arlington Heights, IL, where she lived with her beloved husband of 42 years, Barry. Millie was a breast cancer survivor of three years. Millie is survived by her husband and three sons--Daniel, Michael and Joshua--as well as a grandson named Jack. Millie is greatly missed by her family. Donations can be made to www.breastcancer.org. Here is a link to her online obituary.
Dean Baird
I knew Millie from our years together at Border Star. She was absoutely sweet and kind to everyone. A true gem of human being. She'll be missed for sure.
Chris Mahley
Millie and I had many classes together. She was such a sweetheart of a person. R.I.P. beautiful Millie.
Michael Makredes
So young to pass away from an awful sickness. Pray for her family. Memory eternal!Nancy Levitt (Tomassi)
Millie and I were very good friends from grade school through high school. Her brother took me to visit Millie our freshman year of college. It was my only visit to New Orleans and we had such a great time . We had reconnected through Facebook and I know how happy Millie was to be a grandmother. Rest in peace my friend.
David Garrison
Millie and I were always good friends.... you just couldn't ask for a sweeter girl
Pamela Rogozenski (Rosenberg)
Gone too soon...may she rest with all of our Southwest classmates🌹