Karen passed away from cancer on October 8, 2011, in Leawood, KS, where she lived with her devoted husband, Ed, and her daughter, Olivia. All can agree with the description of Karen in her obituary as "a beautiful and gracious woman who inspired others to be the best they can be." Karen will be greatly missed by her many friends at Southwest and in the KC community, where she was an active volunteer leader at both The Children's Place and the Christ Church Anglican. You can read more about Karen's passing here.
Julie Ungerman (McPhee)
Karen was my neighbor, grade school, junior high and high school friend. I have many fond memories of our growing-up times and experiences together. In 6th grade we were almost the tallest girls in the glass. Only Judy Johl beat us in stature.
My sincere condolences to Karen's family. She will be missed.
Margo Aldridge
When I heard the news of Karen's death I was completely shocked. We had promised to stay in touch, have lunch, talk weekly- that was after the 40th reunion and we hadn't done any of it!! I truly felt horrible.
I had been a friend with Karen in what seems another lifetime - at Bingham. She was the most beautiful girl and the nicest. Always fun and joyful to be around. We seemed to never connect again at Southwest, yet at Hoopers on a Friday night at the 40th Reunion, Karen grabbed me asking if I remembered the 'Bingham years'. All the many years in between fell away.. and it was as if we were back at the old Waldo Theatre, hanging out with Jan, Diane, Laura and others having great fun on a Friday night! I felt so grateful at the time to be there that evening.
I will think of her and others who will not be at Hoopers joining us at the 45th. Karen and others have left far too soon!
Grant Anthony
I was just shocked to learn of Karen's passing ! I couldn't help but reflect on the last time I saw her at the 40 year reunion - it was just a very brief visit in the madhouse of the "Pub Crawl" ( which it tends to be ) but I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation ! She looked great ( as always ), she seemed SO full of life, and she was as vibrant as ever ! I can't honestly say I knew her well in High School but like I think a lot of us guys I admired her from a distance. As upsetting as it was for ME I can only imagine how devastating it must have been for her close friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are with them - what a devastating loss ...