Mike Gilmore

Profile Updated: October 6, 2009
Residing In Chicago Area, IL
Spouse/Partner Rebecca; Married 36 Years
Occupation Broadcast Engineer, WBEZ, Chicago Public Radio
Children Bryon, CPA in Phoenix Area; Jason, U.S. Marines and Army, Served in Desert Storm, thankfully has missed More…the current unpleasantness by doing two tours in Korea; Erik, Marine Biologist and Irish Band drummer; Kate, instructor for special needs (autistic, etc.) children.
Total of Nine Grandchildren, 5 boys. 4 girls.

Thanks for the "Camelot" Recordings on this site.
I'll let my granddaughters hear a REAL "High School Musical".

Before coming to Chicago in 1987, I worked at classical music stations in Los Angeles and Tulsa.

Working at a News and Information Radio Station lets me do something a little different every day, and nights, and weekends. Also help put on a Summer Musical each year in the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

School Story

Only at Southwest during Senior Year.
Enjoyed Current Events with Mr. Morton and
German with Frau Bodner. Enjoyed Orchestra, but due to a hand injury I will never again attempt to play a musical instrument (Thank you Music Lovers).

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
I've met the nicest people in my job.