In Memory

Judy Johl

Judy Johl

Judi died on December 25, 1987 at a hospital in Alexandria, VA, likely of kidney disease.  She had been living in Alexandria since 1972 and had been a secretary for the Interstate Commerce Commission for 14 years after getting an Associate's degree in Science from Harcum Junior College in Bryn Mawr, PA.  She was survived by two brothers, Justin and Jeffrey Johl.

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02/04/09 04:01 PM #1    

Karen Kaplan (Bullard)

I can vividly remember Judy's laugh. She was the sweetest, kindest girl that I knew in high school. I am sorry that our friendship didn't continue after and we lost track of us other. I don't know what caused her death, only that she is gone. But I can bring up my memories of her instantly and it brings a smile to my face.

03/08/09 07:40 PM #2    

Edi Swartz (Connor)

Judy sat behind me in several classes. She was always so shy and quiet, but underneath all that was a very funny sense of humor. I remember she died shortly after we graduated. She either had a kidney or liver disorder.

08/21/09 03:23 AM #3    

Laurie Snedden

Judy lived on my street a few blocks west. I remember her having a birthday party in grade school and laughing so hard we cried at the "Mad Libs" game. I also remember her in her Brownie uniform outselling us all in cookies.

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